Friday, August 13, 2010

Really? There's no one???

My plans changed at the last minute last weekend and I found myself all "gussied up", hair done and make-up on with with no place to go! What a total waste of makeup that night was turning out to be - LOL!!!! I got on facebook and updated my status to say "Dana Woods hates it when plans change at the last minute, now what?" My friend, Misty, happened to be on and she asked what I was doing, I said "nothing now, but I need to go to Wal-Mart". She replied, "me too, wanna go?" I replied "I'm ready now" and she said "b there in a minute". Problem solved, I had something to do. I thought my Saturday nights spent at Wal-Mart would end once I became single. Not so much...

SURPRISE! She picked me up in her Jeep and the top was off - LOL! Actually, the Jeep belonged to her fiance' but he had borrowed her truck to take his kids to meet their mother. Off we went with my hair blowing everywhere! I have a head full of fine hair which tangles easily. I was thinking "great, how am I supposed to find a man on a Saturday night with my hair looking all crazy?" and with the same thought, I continued with "what are you thinking, Dana, how many single men hang out at Wal-Mart on a Saturday night-LOL?" Everything I do brings back a memory of Wasband. My hair blowing around reminded me of when we first started dating. He owned a banana yellow 1970-something two-seat Triumph Spitfire convertible. My hair would be a tangled mess and I would have to spend 10 minutes trying to comb the tangles out whenever we arrived at our destination. He loved that little car and I didn't, althought it was fun to sit on the back and wave my best beauty queen wave while pretending to ride in the county parade as he drove around.

Back to Wal-Mart...Misty and I had a good time talking while we looked around and made our purchases. As always, the conversation led to "So, are you dating anyone?" and I said "No" and she said "You have to get out there and meet people, they're not just gonna come and knock on your door!" I asked the same thing I always do, "Where do you meet people?" I work in an office with 7 people, five of whom are married and the other in whom I am not interested. I don't want to find a man in a bar, there are none at my church, where are they? She said, "you should try e-Harmony". I told her I would think about it.

Well, I thought about it until the next morning. I woke up with plenty of time to get ready for church so I sat down at my computer and registered to become a member of e-Harmony. I spent a long time trying to answer each and every question as truthfully and honestly as possible. If I'm going to find a man on-line, I definately want to make sure the match is accurate and I don't waste time! I spent probably an hour and a half answering the profile questions and taking the personality survey. FINALLY, I was finished and I hit the submit button...

The computer said, please wait while we find suitable companions for you. I waited some more...and then...finally...a map popped up with Bryantsville, Kentucky pinpointed in the center with a circle indicating a 60 mile radius around Bryantsville and a message that said: We're very sorry, but our matching system cannot predict good matches for you.

WHAT? Does that really say "We're sorry, but our system cannot find a match for you?"

Really? You mean to tell me that there is NO ONE within a 60 mile radius of where I live that is even a remote possibility of being a suitable match for me? Not one man in Nicholasville, Lexington, Berea, Richmond, Lancaster, Stanford, Liberty, Danville, and those cities are just within a 20-40 mile radius from me!!!

Of course, eHarmony went on to tell me the results of my personality profile. Evidently, with regard to Agreeableness, I am best described as taking care of others and taking care of myself. As far as Openness, I am Curious. I am sometimes steady and sometimes responsive when it comes to emotional stability. My conscientiousness is flexible and with regard to extraversion, I am reserved. (I'll let you read the whole thing, Mom!) The personality profile gives a general description of how I interact with others and told me both the positive and negative reactions that others may have toward me. It was very interesting. I'm anxious for my mom to read it to see if she agrees or if I answered some of the questions wrong :-)

I'm not to feel too bad according to eHarmony's disclaimer. The disclaimer states "e-Harmony's patented matching system was developed after extensive research into marital satisfaction. We use each person's responses to our Relationship Questionnaire to predict the pairings of individuals that are highly likely to result in satisfying long-term relationships, based on what we learned through our research. Unfortunately, based on responses to our questionnaire, we occasionally find situations where our matching system cannot identify high quality compatible matches, and this has happened in your case. Please understand that it is a result of our matching process and in no way reflects on you as a person or your ability to be in a happy relationship. We apologize and regret our inability to find good matches for you. The time you spent completing our questionnaire, however, has enabled us to provide you with a free Personality Profile..\ This Personality Profile lets you learn more about yourself and should provide you with valuable insights. We wish you all the best in your search for that special someone."

Well, THANK YOU e-Harmony for wishing me all the best as I search for that special someone. I appreciate all of your help and I especially enjoyed the fact that I WASTED an hour and a half of MY LIFE to have you tell me that! I'm not really looking for a satisfying long-term relationship at this point, I just want a DATE! I like to think that my man is out there somewhere, but he doesn't spend time on the internet. He's outside working hard and thinking about ME - he just doesn't know who I am yet!


  1. Your last statement is what I was thinking the farther along I read your blog. He is not the type to get on EHarmony and he just doesn't know you yet! He may still be married! (Think of a similar outcome in our family - here)I know, I know, hurry up and get divorced or finished grieving for your lost, Mr. Future son-in-law!!!!!!

  2. I do not believe this for a second. There is someone for you. Forget E harmony!

  3. This was a fun read. Whoever he is, he'll come around when you least expect it.

  4. The kind of man that I like is not the e-Harmony type of guy anyway - he's really not even a computer guy - so I wont give up YET :-)
