Friday, July 23, 2010

Naming a Blog is Difficult

So, to all of you who are driving me crazy, wanting me to blog again, I am going to attempt it. The girls will go back to school in a few weeks and I now have Edison on a schedule that allows me some "Dana" time at night, so, we shall see how it goes.

I feel like I have taken all the good names for blogs already as this is my fourth one. I had a difficult time coming up with a name for this one. I wanted to use my name in it because this blog will be more about me - but of course, Dana does not exist without some drama. Drama that comes in the form of one teenager, a tween, a toddler, an ex-husband (Wasband), a hateful cat and a Swagger Wagon! Have I mentioned I hate drama? My life was pretty much drama free for 18 years and then the craziness started and Dana's Drama spawned. You will hear about some of it - but not all - there are some things I have to keep to myself to protect the ones I love the most :-)

I hated to give up "ToddlerTweenTeen" but I had quit blogging before I moved, had to change my e-mail address because of the move and unfortunately, forgot my password. I have done everything possible to try to get Blogger to send it to me, but they keep sending it to the old e-mail address to which I no longer have access. I even filled out a big form and they replied that I had not given them enough information to allow them to release the password to me. Well, okay then, BLOGGER, why don't you just call me? I'll give you ALL the information you want but I can't correspond with a computer generated assistant!

Before Toddler Tween Teen, I had a short lived blog that I called "Parting Ways With Paul or Dana's Disillusioned Dissolution". Wasband didn't like that blog very much so I password protected it (to protect him from having to read it - haha) and only invited some of my closest friends to view it. Unfortunately, it was linked to ToddlerTweenTeen, so I can no longer access it either. Even worse, I don't remember the password I gave other's to view it, so when I go to the page, it says "Sorry, you have not been invited to view this blog." If you happen to have the password and can send it to me, I would love to see what I wrote at the beginning of the divorce proceedings. I barely remember that time in my life because I was drowning in tears. I cannot imagine what I sounded like writing under water!

The blog that began it all was named "To Eden for Edison" following my adoption journey to make Edison part of my forever family. I learned alot about blogging and it gave my family and friends an opportunity to follow with me through the long process of adopting. It also brought a lot of prayers and support while we waited and also when we were racing a hurricane back to the United States with him. Hurrican Ed had nothing on that hurricane - he's still rotating and controlling my life and I love every minute of it!

Blogging is a wonderful creative outlet. I love to write. I enjoy making people laugh but sometimes my writing brings tears. Mostly, I am open and honest when I write. I have received e-mails from numerous people telling me how much they love reading my blogs, how they sat down and read all the entries in one night because they couldn't stop reading, how they referred my blog to a sister or a girlfriend who is going through a divorce, how they like my honesty, my passion and my ability to make them feel what I am feeling. Most of all, they enjoy the content I write about.

The name, Dana's Different Directions, was chosen because I am truly pulled in many different directions ---
  • I am teaching my oldest child to drive and my youngest to poop in the potty.
  • I want to wear a halo but the devil horns keep knocking it off
  • I laugh hysterically and cry uncontrollably
  • I'm mostly helpful but sometimes hurtful
  • My dream is an arrest-me-red 2010 Chevrolet Camaro and my reality is a brown 1999 Chrysler Town & Country mini-van (a/k/a The Swagger Wagon)
  • I have a few best friends and a few arch enemies
  • I'm a night owl who has to get up early in the morning

Oh, I could probably go on, but the creativity is waning today...

I'll leave you with some blog names I played around with:

  • Diabolical Dana (didn't know Diabolical meant "having the qualities of a devil" - glad I looked that up)
  • Despicable Dana (but you can't despise me - not if you truly know me :-)
  • Do U Know Dana (I decided that sounded too cheesy)
  • Kid Rock Krazy (cause I love KID ROCK and his songs and his music. yes I know the lyrics to some of his songs are AWFUL and I wouldn't want my Mama to hear them, or be listening to them when Bro. Jerry was in my house, but I honestly think Kid Rock is a gifted musician and his music got me through a very dark time in my life - trust me there will be a post or two or five about his lyrics and what they mean to me) and you will hear about many other musicians and their songs and lyrics because I absolutely LOVE music and lyrics.

Follow me - I may be pulled in a completely new direction and have to start BLOG # 5


  1. Love your first post on your 4th blog. :) Finding a name for a blog is the hardest part of starting. LOL! Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts.

  2. Yippee you're back!!! I know what you mean about teaching one to drive and the other to poop. I have a son getting married next fall and a daughter who is going to be the 5 year old flower girl!!!

  3. This will be my first venture into Dana's blogging world. I'm looking forward to it!
