We had planned to spend Saturday afternoon and evening with one of my very best friends, Stephanie, and her daughter, Ali. Stephanie's husband was out of town and she wanted me to help her hang some pictures and do some things around her house she had put off since she had moved. I was looking forward to hanging out with them and just having a relaxing evening away from home. Stephanie called me Saturday morning and said "I've got something for us to do tonight! I have four free tickets to see American Idol

As it turned out, everything worked out wonderfully. Stephanie and Ali picked Kensley and I up at 5:00 and we headed to Lexington. First stop - Logan's Roadhouse for a tasty dinner and then downtown Lexington to Rupp Arena. Our seats were awesome! We were in row CC which is three rows off the floor. I admit I did not watch the 2010 season of American Idol but I heard enough talk on the radio and around the water cooler at work to recognize some of the names. It was a pretty good concert. Lee, Crystal, Katie and Big Mike - they all did a fantastic job. I was especially fond of Casey James and I thought Siobhan was "freaky weird". I posted on Facebook during the concert that she was "freaky weird" and that I was ready for her to get her screaming, punk self off the stage - LOL! I also met some new people (one of which was the mother of an NFL football player who shall remain nameless but who plays for my very favorite NFL team!!!!) That was pretty cool and so was she!!! Thanks Stephanie for inviting us to go with you - Kensley and I had a blast!
We ended the night with a stop at Applebee's where we each had desert. Kensley and Ali had the Triple Chocolate Lava Cake, Stephanie had the Chocolate Chip Cookie Sundae and I had my favorite, the Maple Butter Blondie! Life was Good! Kensley and I crawled into bed well after midnight and didn't wake up until 10:15 the following morning :-)
I had been promising Kensley for a month that I would finish the Twilight series of books and then watch Twilight and New Moon on DVD so that she and I could go to the theater to see Eclipse. It was Sunday morning and because of scheduling conflicts, we had not been able to work that out. While laying in bed, we grabbed my iPhone and went to one of my favorite apps "Flixster" to see where Eclipse was playing. To our disappointment it was no longer playing at Danville (the closest theater) and the only times it played in Nicholasville (the next closest) was at 6:35 and 9:45 p.m. That wouldn't work because she had to go back to her dad's house some time late afternoon. We finally found that it played at 1:30 at Fayette Mall in Lexington and we were getting ready to head that way when all of a sudden our plans changed. I won't say why they changed, they just did. Kensley was very upset as was I. We really wanted to see this movie TOGETHER and we DID NOT want to wait one or two more weeks! She had waited long enough considering Eclipse was released on June 30th!!!
Back to Flixster we went and found that Eclipse was also playing in Somerset (where her Dad lives). Okay - we can do that! On the plus side, it would save me some driving later in the day, and we could both see the movie without waiting any longer. The flip side, our time was cut short because it started earlier than the one in Lexington. We would be pushing it to arrive on time. We quickly went to MapQuest, printed out the directions to the movie theater and off we went. We were making excellent time and then we realized that MapQuest took us on a wild goose chase. The movie had started 10 minutes ago and we still had not found the movie theater. Oh yes, I could have called Wasband and asked for directions but there was no way on this green earth that I would have done that. Lucky for me, Kensley understood that :-)

I was in jeans and a t-shirt. The 90 degree weather called for shorts and a tank top. We were driving the swagger wagon with no air - and we were sweating before we ever got out of the van to go on our little hike. We spent a short time at The Falls. I've been there numerous times over the years, even going as a child with my mom and dad. Since seeing the movie "The Last of the Mohicans" I can never visit that place that I do not think of the movie. If you've been there, maybe you think of it too. If not, I can't explain it. It made Kensley think about Niagara Falls and she told me she wants to visit there sometime. I told her that we would add that to our list of things we want to do. That list seems to grow but that's okay, it will keep us busy with things to do TOGETHER for years :-) We also decided it would be neat to visit Cumberland Falls sometime during a Full Moon so we can see the MoonBow, a natural phenomenon that only occurs at Cumberland Falls in the Western Hemisphere and in Zimbabwe, Africa on the other side of the world. That's pretty cool!
I drove 167.5 miles today - unplanned, in a very hot vehicle with nothing but the wind blowing our hair into a tangled mess! Our short trip to Lexington to see a movie turned out nothing like we planned, but it was a good trip and a day with my daughter that now has memories attached! Before she got out of the van I told her I was sorry that we didn't get to see Eclipse, she said "That's okay, we had fun!"
Enjoy our pictures: (Emily - next time is your turn!)

Great pics, lovely girls! Love reading your blog!