Monday, April 16, 2018

Giving Truth...With Grace

Last weekend I attended a conference hosted by Answers in Genesis entitled "LIFE".  I was there as an Exhibitor, however, a big perk was being able to attend the conference and listen to the speakers.  I was excited about a quiet weekend in a hotel...alone.  I crave alone time.  I also prayed that God would speak to me and fill my soul with truth through my time alone and while participating in the conference.  He did!

I don't even know where to start. 

Hearing scientists (geneticists, physicians, biochemists, engineers) who believe in God, but more than that, believe in the Trinity and teach what they know scientifically from a Christian perspective, was AMAZING!  I learned a lot from a scientific and biblical standpoint.  But there was more I took away.

One of the speakers shared her personal testimony.  After becoming a Christian, while still a "baby Christian" (in her words), she had an abortion.  Her story made me cry.  I wanted to hear more so when I got home, I searched YouTube and found she had also spoken at the 2015 AiG conference on a similar topic.  I would link it but I can no longer find it.  I don't want to share her story for her but you should take time to listen to the first part of this interview as she was leading up to promote this year's conference.  CLICK HERE! to get a peek at her story.

Compassion, kindness and grace go a long way.  She shared in 2015 how anti-abortion bumper stickers continue to make her sad and asked people to think about whether their words were edifying or hurtful and then gave examples of some which were mean and others which were truth-filled but full of grace. 

I have a problem with keeping my thoughts to myself when I have been offended.  Ya'll don't understand how these words swirl in my head begging me to write them on paper.  Even when I know I will be judged and what I need to say will be unpopular, I can't rest until I speak my peace.  When I decide to share what is on my heart, I spend a lot of time choosing my words carefully and presenting what I want to say in a way which gives truth..with grace. Sometimes, I'm better at it than other times.  Many times, I think the world would be a better place if I would cut my fingers off.  Same can be said for a lot of people who comment on things.

Anyway, I continue to stumble on things with a recurring them and so I decided to share...

These quotes:

Your tongue is powerful, and with it, you can edify or vilify others.  Use it to edify.

Exposing yourself to consistent negative feedback will invariably attack your faith.  Who are you listening to?  What voices are you permitting to influence your thoughts?  It is time to shut out every opinion that contradicts God's word concerning you.  Stop engaging in careless social talk that does not edify.  Words are powerful.  Make sure the ones you listen to will add and not take away from you.

And these bible verses (NIV):

Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Romans 14:19

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29

But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called "Today," so that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.  Hebrews 3:13

And...God continues to teach me.  Today, it was while reading my new devotional called "Embraced" by Lysa TerKeurst.  This sentence punched me in the gut:

"It's tough being a sold-out soul for Christ stuck in a body that's so tempted to sin." 

Even when I'm trying to be more aware and do better, when God puts it all right in front of my face, I'm still a sinner.  I'm thankful for a loving God who doesn't give up on Giving Truth...With me. 

Have a blessed week...Dana

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