Edison was Mickey Mouse for Halloween this year. I wanted him to be an Indian again; however, Emily said something similar to this: "Mom! Neither Kensley nor I EVER dressed in the same costume two years in a row and Edison is not going to either!" She was correct, she had a point, however, when she and Kensley were little, I didn't live on a budget as tight as the one I live on now! The Indian costume fit him better this year than it did last year and it was going to be a little bit different...last year he was an Indian brave with a headband and ONE feather...this year he was going to be the Indian CHIEF with a full feather headdress! I couldn't convince Emily. She called me from her dad's house one weekend and said, "Christy has a Mickey Mouse costume from The Disney Store that fits Eddy and he loves it, they said you could borrow it, he looks really cute in it...is that okay?" I said "sure" --- I didn't really care who he was, I just wanted him to be cute and I wanted it to cost me the least amount of money possible! As it turns out, he was an adorable Mickey Mouse and the temperature of the evening and the weight of the costume was perfect!!! Be warned though, I'm already thinking about next year, and that Indian costume will still fit!!!!!
Today (well, yesterday now), we celebrated Thanksgiving. The past two Thanksgivings have not been "Happy" ones for me, but this year I was in the mood to give thanks! Two years ago, the week of Thanksgiving, Wasband filed for divorce. I was a basket case that year. Last year, my children spent Thanksgiving with their dad, and I don't recall really feeling very thankful for much in my life. This year, I am spending the entire Thanksgiving weekend with my three kids and my family (except for a few hours when they will be with Wasband and his family) and I am at a point in my life where I can see all that has changed, enjoy every moment of my life and look forward to my future and whatever it may bring. I asked the kids to make a list of all they were thankful for and without any complaint at all, they did. I made a list as well and we sat down before going to my Mom's house to spend the day with family and read them aloud to one another. This is a tradition I intend to continue. I think it will be interesting to see how the lists mature...see for yourself.
Edison's list - 2010 - age 3-1/2
- Jesus
- Scooby
- Shaggy
- Velma
- Daphne
- Fred (from Scooby Doo, sorry Uncle Fred)
- Mommy (that's me :-))
- Jamie (my niece)
- Nannie (my mother)
- Poppy (Wasband's dad)
- Meme (Wasband's mom)
- Daddy (Wasband)
- Christy (Wasband's wife)
- Ally (step-sister)
- Nick (step-brother)
- Mickey (a dog at his Dad's house I think?)
- Bella (a dog at his Dad's house)
- Andy (a cat at his Dad's house, maybe?)
- Cody (a dog at his Dad's house - or maybe at his Step-Mom's ex-husband's house, not sure...)
- Aunt Lea (my sister)
- Jeremy (my brother)
- Cash (cousin - Jamie's son - see #8)
- Kain (cousin - Jamie's son - see #8)
- Papa (my Dad)
- Freddy P (his Uncle - see #6)
- Emma (his sister)
- Kensley (his sister)
- Isaac Clay (his friend)
- Monster Ali (we think this is Ali Hulett, his cousin :-))
- Jacob (not sure who this is)
- snakes (cause he's a boy?)
- bears (?)
- Kayma (a friend who has not see in forever!)
- sick (i have no clue what this means)
- Cat in the Hat (this was a book laying on the couch)
- Lisa (his baby sitter)
- witches (i have no explanation for this...)
- God
- My family
- Food
- Friends
- Warm homes
- Good grandparents
- My healthy body
- My athletasism (her spelling)
- My good grades
- My baby brother
- Cousins
- My horse, dogs and cats
- My dumplings (I guess she was hungry)
- My life
- Water
- My family
- My friends
- Being able to go to SCS (a private Christian school)
- Edison
- Plumbing
- Electricity
- Dish Network
- WiFi
- My awesome hair
- My salvation (she had an arrow moving it to #1 and said she felt bad that she didn't list it as #1 after everybody else did)
- Cell phone
- Cars and gas
- Education (wow! - did she really write that?)
- Rules (do my eyes deceive me?)
- My permit (she finally got her driver's permit!)
- Heat & Air
- Locks (this is my child who is frightened of everything, very typical of something she would be thankful for :-))
- Make-up
- Nicholas Sparks (yes, I introduced her to this wonderful author)
- Dwayne Carter (a/k/a Lil' Wayne)
I am thankful for...
- God, who sent his son, Jesus Christ, to die a horrible death on a cross, so that I can live eternally in heaven when I die.
- My 3 children, Emily, Kensley and Edison
- My Health, not only mine, but also my children's. I'm also very thankful that my kids learn very easily and that they are smart kids.
- My parents, my sister and my brother - for always being there for me.
- My friends who always listen and even when they tell me things I don't want to hear.
- Wasband - that he is a good dad to my children (yes, I wrote that! - it is very important to my kids that despite our differences, that they know that we both love them. There are so many parents who just walk away after a divorce because it's "easier". Neither of us will ever do that and for their sake, I am thankful)
- my job - it is very rewarding and it pays the bills, allowing me to live in my own place and not having to move back in with my parents or share rent with someone else
- the Swagger Wagon - for getting me where I need to be, even though it cramps my awesome style!
- Technology because it makes life a little easier and it's fun!
- for living in the USA - actually I'm thankful that God allowed me to be born in this free country and even though life is hard for me sometimes, that money is tight and things seem to move at an exhausting speed, that I am here and not somewhere else in this world.
- Edison's biological parents, especially his birthmother, who made a difficult decision to place him for adoption.
- for my nieces and nephews - Jamie, Jase, Maggie, Brea, Cash and Kain
- my children's other set of grandparents - they are wonderful to my children and they help me with the kids when I need them.
- good things that are happening at work :-)
- some single people I've met :-) :-) (no! not HIM)
Many blessings for a wonderful holiday season...
:D that just made me smile and laugh through the whole thing:)
ReplyDelete--elizabeth walter
Happy Thanksgiving Dana!! what a wonderful tradition to do with your children! Sometimes it takes really thinking about it to know that we are so abundantly blessed!! I know I am thankful for you!!!