Monday, December 16, 2013

Lesson Learned...Moving On...

After my cryptic Facebook post yesterday, many have asked me to elaborate, so after a 7 month break from blogging, I have returned, so that dear Facebook followers and Blogspot friends, may my expense - LOLOLOLOL!

I haven't been out much since Curt died.  I went a little crazy the summer after his death trying to put things into perspective...the wrong way...and then I met someone who pointed me back in the right direction.  I've definitely changed...for the better (I think) and have gotten back in touch with the REAL Dana Woods :-). 

This past weekend, I decided to go out with my friend Kathy to see my favorite band, Trailer Trash, performing at Momma's Last Chance Saloon, as it was their last performance in our fine State of Kentucky and we wanted to see them one last time before they go their separate ways.  I grew up with one of the band members and became friends with another.  I've spent several weekends with them since I've been divorced.  I'm not one to go clubbing or to hang out in bars, but there was a comfort level with TTB just because I knew the band and I knew their wives and I knew some of their regular followers, so I when I went to listen, there were always people there that I knew and enjoyed being with.  I have some great memories with that band and...I'm going to miss them. 

I've also never been one to drink a lot of alcohol but I do enjoy a mixed drink or a glass or two of Moscato wine from time to time.  I was sitting at a bar table with some of my "kinfolk" from one side of the family, when a good looking guy asked if he could buy me a drink.  I told him I was not drinking and he went on to the bar.  Kathy said, "Dana, you could have told him you'd have a Diet Coke."  I looked at her and said "Well...I'm not thirsty so I didn't think about it...and you know I'm bad at this game."  She laughed.  The guy returned and sat with us.  We exchanged all the "let's get to know each other a little bit" information, such as what's your name, where are you from, where do you live, where do you work, blah blah blah.  Things were going well...and he asked if I wanted to dance.  Of course I did, what girl doesn't like a slow dance, right?  So, we talked more on the dance floor, and then I mingled with some friends and he mingled with his.  We said "Goodnight" and I thought that was the end.

I was starving.  It was 1:20 in the morning.  Everyone who has hung out at a bar, saloon, honky tonk, etc., knows that the only place open at 1:20 in the morning is.... WAFFLE HOUSE.  I don't think any of us were ready to say goodbye to Trailer Trash so several of us drove on over to Waffle House to eat breakfast.  Kathy and I walked in and had a seat at a booth for four.  The friend of the guy I had talked to at the bar came and asked if they could sit with us...we said "Sure!  Come on over!" and they did. 

And this is where it gets interesting...

The guy (I am not printing his name in order to protect our innocence to a situation we had no idea we were getting into), asked me where I was from.  I said "Garrard County".  He said, "I'm from Lexington but my Dad was from Garrard County."  About the same time, I said "You told me your first name but you never told me your last."  As soon as he said his last name, I said "What? Can you repeat that?" and Kathy said "Spell it!" and as soon as he spelled it, I knew we had to be related.  I said "Who is your Dad?" and he told me his Dad's first name.  I said "Oh...I know a guy with that name but he's deceased."  He said, "My dad died several years ago."  I said, very matter of factly, "I know we have to be cousins."  He said "Surely not, my grandmother is [he inserted her name]" and I said "yes, and your grandfather is [I inserted his name] and this is just great because YOUR grandfather and MY grandmother are BROTHER AND SISTER!  Oh! and your grandmother's oak kitchen table sits in my dining room!" 

By this time, Kathy has put it all together and is practically laying down on the bench saying, "You all are 3rd cousins!!  Bwahahahaha!!" as she is laughing uncontrollably and apologizing for the laughter at the same time.

I asked him why I never saw him at a Family Reunion and he said "Because you all are all into horseback riding and barns and hay and that just isn't my thing.  I came when I was little."  I asked "Why aren't you on our Family Reunion Facebook page?" and he said "I don't know, I didn't know we had one!"  And we proceeded to discuss how small our world really is that we would not see each other since we were little and really not even know one another, and then run into each other at a place half way in between the two places we grew up, be drawn to one another...only to find out that we are FAMILY!

So, anyway...some of the lessons I learned include: 
  1. Any hott guy I meet could be related because we have good looking men in our family!
  2. In addition to asking for first and last names when first meeting someone, I will also start asking for information about their family tree/bloodline.
  3. When both your mom and dad come from large families and everyone has stayed closed to the same county, you are more than likely related in some way.
  4. Being part of a huge family is both a blessing...and sometimes a curse.
When I told my mom and dad this story, they just laughed and my mom said "this is both hilarious...and a little bit sad."  I just don't think it is meant for me to find anyone because that revelation certainly put the brakes on any future with him - LOL.

I am happy to have met a long lost cousin, and he was a complete gentleman and bought my breakfast.  And seriously, I'm glad we figured that all out before anything became more awkward than it already was!!

Lesson Learned.  I'm Moving on...Next Please :-)